Projects & Initiatives
The South-East Regional Authority participates in a range of EU Projects involving inter-regional, cross-border and transnational co-operation. Local Authorities in conjunction with City/County Enterprise Boards, Teagasc, South-East BIC, Institutes of Technology and other public agencies such as Enterprise Ireland actively support the Authority in these projects and participate as local partners. The Authority has on many occassions successfully sought funding, in partnership with various public agencies and local authorities, in response to calls for proposals from the European Commission. The regional and local authorities will continue to work together in maximising the sourcing of funding and developing new EU projects, networks and initiatives that are to benefit to the region.
Current Projects and Initiatives
South-East Regional Planning Guidelines 2010-2022
Review and Update of the Regional Planning Guidelines for the South-East Region and preparation of Regional Planning Guidelines 2010-2022 The South-East Regional Authority, the functional area of which comprises counties Carlow, Kilkenny, South Tipperary, Waterford, Wexford and Waterford City, has undertaken an update and review of the 2004 Regional Planning Guidelines for the South-East Region.
'Bio-En-Area' Project
The BIO-EN-AREA project is part funded by the ERDF under the INTERREG IVC Programme. Partners from six European regions form the BIO-EN-AREA project consortium, with the lead partner being from the region of Castilla Y Leon, Spain.
CLIMATLANTIC is a project that is part-funded by the E.U.’s INTERREG IVB Atlantic Area Programme. The project has seven partners from five E.U. member states. The project’s overall aim is to develop strategy(s) that will achieve, through regional and local level interventions, reductions in the carbon footprint in the European Atlantic Area with consequent increasing of cohesion, competitiveness and sustainable development.
“Youth Entrepreneurship Strategies” (YES) Project
The South-East Regional Authority is a partner in the EU INTERREG IVC part-funded project, "Youth Entrepreneurship Strategies" (YES), involving eight partners from eight EU Member States. The project runs from January 2010 to December 2012 and the Regional Authority is collaborating with the network of City and County Enterprise Boards in implementing the project in Ireland.
“Creativity & Innovation in Micro-Enterprises” (CIME) Project
The overall aim of the CIME project is to analyse, develop and deliver innovative/creativity techniques, through dedicated programmes involving specialists, into the micro-enterprise and SME sectors in the Ireland-Wales INTERREG cross-border area.
Spirit of Enterprise
The South-East Regional Authority is one of the core founders of the South-East regions Spirit of Enterprise Forum.
Atlantic Gateways
The Atlantic Gateways initiative envisages the active collaboration of the city-regions of Cork, Limerick, Galway and Waterford, together with the corridors which link them, in forming an economic unit which looks to itself in the first instance, and which has the scale and critical mass to act as an economic counterbalance to the Greater Dublin Area, and even so to the emergent Dublin-Belfast axis.
N24 Prioritisation Study
The N.24 National Primary Route is due for upgrading under the “Transport 21” Programme that will be funded under the National Development Plan 2007-2013.
Regional Bio-Energy Implementation Plan for the South-East Region
The South-East Regional Authority has developed a Regional Bio-Energy Implementation Plan for the South-East Region (the Region covers the administrative counties of Carlow, Kilkenny, South Tipperary, Waterford and Wexford as well as Waterford City). The plan was launched by Mr. John Gormley, T.D., Minister for the Environment, Heritage & Local Government at Johnstown Castle, Co. Wexford on Friday, 7th March 2008.
Former Projects and Initiatives
The 'REGBIE' project was approved in 2006 under the Intelligent Energy Call for proposals. The project will promote Regional Bio-Energy Initiatives and thereby increase the Market for Biomass in Europe. Partners for the 'REGBIE' project are from Germany, Sweden, Austria, Italy, France, Spain, UK and Ireland.
The objective of the REFORM project was to develop, support and implement a variety of measures and activities which will enable regions to understand their particular needs to enable increased RTD activity and investment in the future.
SERB-II Broadband Project
The South-East Regional Authority, in conjunction with the relevant County Councils, constructed networks in five further locations in the South-East Region as part of Phase II of the Government's Regional Broadband Programme.
The SERPANT, South-East Regional Public Access Network of Telecommunications Broadband Project was very important development for the South-East Region in that it involved the installation of a key, state-of-the-art telecommunications infrastructure in the principal urban centre in each county. It will enhance the regional economy and increase the attractiveness and marketability of the South-East Region for inward industrial investment and for enterprise development.
“CEBxS Project: Wifi Initiative
‘ESTIIC’ was an Interreg IIIC co-funded Regional Framework Operation (RFO) in which the Southern & Eastern Regional Assembly participated(see for further details). ‘CEBxS’ was a project part-funded by this RFO, in which the South-East Regional Authority (SERA) was the principal partner for the South-East NUTS III Region. ‘CEBxS’ had five other regional partners, two in Ireland and Spain and one in Germany.
The South-East Regional Authority together with the Local Authorities in the regiona and the Local Government Computer Services Board (LGCSB) developed an 'eReceipts Web Interface' initiative. Through this initiative the facility to pay for certain services on-line has being provided to local authority customers.
The 'REDETRAL' project is a major inter-regional project part-funded by the European Union under the ERDF Interreg IIIC Community Initiative. The project will look at the impact that transport logistics can make to regional development and will determine European best practice in the development of logistics parks. This will be carried out through the involvement of regions from the Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, Ireland, Germany, Portugal and Austria.
The main objective of the EUROPLANE project is to promote the durability, function, accessibility and sustainable existence of regional airports in the EU by interregional co-operation and best practice information exchange.
The 'SEEDS' project involved the preparation of an Employment Development Strategy for the South-East Region, based on a thorough examination of the employment situation in the region.
Sport Urban
The objective of the Sport Urban Project was to exchange experience, methods and approaches by which sports related facilities influence urban regeneration and development.
Drive Projects
DRIVE for Growth was an INTERREG IIIB NWE project lead by the South West Regional Authority with partners from Stoke-on-Trent City Council, UK; Kompetenznetzwerk Mechatronik, Goopinngen, Germany and the South-East Regional Authority.
INTRO Project
The purpose of the INTRO Projects was to transfer knowledge and expertise from Ireland/Iceland to RIS-NAC regions in Poland and Latvia and to develop pilot projects and initiatives firstly in Iceland/Ireland and thein in Lower Silesia and Latvia.
The purpose of the Biologic@ project was to exchange methods, to transfer knowledge and to promote best practice in organic farming.
'REVOS' Project
The aim of the 'REVOS' project was to develop a network at European level for initiatives in the social and voluntary sectors through cooperation among European regional admisistrations.
CATPIE Project
The CATPIE (Co-ordinated Advanced Teleworking Pilots in Europe) Project was an EU INTERREG IIC transnational project involving partners from four European regions, namely the South-East Region (IRL), North West England (UK), the Provence of Utrecht (NL), and Rheinland-Pfalz (D).
'FINESTRA' was a inter-regional co-operation project with seven partner regions. It was co-financed by the EU under Article 10 of the European Regional Development Fund. The Project Concluded in March 2003, with the overall budget for the South-East Region being €514,463.
The Authority, with financial assistance from the Department of Public Enterprise (Information Society Development Fund) has developed an Integrated Regional Information Society Strategy and Action Plan.
The ENACT project was designed to provide an integrated regional innovation support system for rural enterprise development in the South-East.
The 'SENSITIC' project was an EU funded initiative to benchmark the usage and to promote awareness of Information Technology and Communications in the South-East Region. The project ran from July 2003 to December 2004.
Connected Communities
The Connected Communities project involved the development of a dynamic and all inclusive pilot ICT development and demonstration site in a selected community in each county in the South-East Region which can be used to demonstrate best practices and provide templates and models that can be transferred to other community sites within each county in the Region.
County & Group Broadband Scheme
The County and Group Broadband Scheme (CGBS) was a scheme operated by the Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resourses (DCENR).